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TDM Cloud Essentials

Cloud-based entry solutions, for small fabrications, to easily digitize tools.

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TDM Global Line

Software on-premise solution with numerous modules for medium to large manufactures.

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We will help you!

Find the right TDM solution for your manufacture!

TDM Cloud Essentials

Cloud-based entry solutions, for small fabrications, to easily digitize tools.

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TDM Global Line

Software on-premise solution with numerous modules for medium to large manufactures.

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Webinars on the topic of tool management

More than ever, factors such as cost savings and transparency in production play a role. In order to be one step ahead of the competition, it is time to transform your own production into "digital manufacturing with digital tool management".

Get to know the factors of Smart Manufacturing with us!

There are many levels that must interact with each other to get the best out of digital manufacturing. This also means that in the future, companies will network machines, crib systems and production equipment worldwide and access a central database.

With a holistic tool management software, you will achieve this: to make your machines intelligent, to exchange information with storage systems and equipment, and to trigger actions. In addition, the tool cycle becomes more transparent and tools can be clearly identified and localized. The history and current status of the tool (e.g. set-up time) can also be viewed at a glance.

The right tool in the right place at the right time

In our webinars you can gain basic knowledge about tool management. On the other hand, we will show you what digital manufacturing is all about and which areas will benefit most.

In addition, we will show you in various webinars with our partners what can be achieved with the right interfaces.

Experience the benefits of digital tool management!

Many companies ask themselves the question what benefits digital manufacturing offers. This question is justified. In our webinars, we will show you by means of examples what tool management can also bring you:

  • less machine downtime
  • lower crib costs
  • higher transparency of the tool requirements
  • lower tooling costs

and much more.

Are you curious?

Then this is the right place for you! Below you will find an overview of of all webinar recordings from TDM Systems and partners:

Past webinars:

Title Language Link to video
What is tool management? EN YouTube
Was ist Werkzeugmanagement? DE YouTube
Why use tool management? EN YouTube
Warum Werkzeugmanagement? DE YouTube
Benefits of tool management EN YouTube
Vorteile von Werkezugmanagement  DE YouTube
Digital Manufacturing – The importance of Tool Data EN YouTube
Digitale Produktion – Die Bedeutung von Werkzeugdaten DE YouTube
Digital Manufacturing – CAD/CAM & Tool Data Management EN YouTube
Digitale Produktion – CAD/CAM & Werkzeugverwaltung DE YouTube
OMEGA TMM - TDM Systems - Caron Engineering Experts  EN YouTube
TDM Systems Tool Management and the ESPRIT interface EN YouTube
Digital Manufacturing – Tool Inventory & Logistics EN YouTube
Digitale Produktion – Werkzeuglager und Logistik DE YouTube
FORCAM & TDM Systems: Vorteile einer offenen Produktions-Plattform: Apps integrieren am Beispiel von Tool Data Management DE YouTube
Digital Manufacturing – Manage your Tools through the Shopfloor EN YouTube
Digitale Produktion – Verwaltung Ihrer Werkzeuge im Shopfloor DE YouTube


The highlights of release 2025 for TDM Global Line (GL) and TDM ClassiX (CLX) include the new TDM Machine Web… Find out more
New key visual and key message: 100% Tool Management – a message that moves Find out more