Mr. Geweiler, what topics do you discuss in your webinars?
It is always about the TDM-software and its modules. Customer requests are also considered. Usually, there are three parts that build on each other thematically. Typical examples are the introduction to the TDM Base Module, the assembly of a tool assembly, and the TDM Form Generator.
The webinars have been around for about two years, who participates?
Only current customers with an existing TDM Software Maintenance Contractplus. Initially, we had up to 90 participants, but that was of course the novelty effect. For many it was the first webinar that they participated in at all. In the meantime, it has leveled out at 30 to 60 participants.
How is the response?
Very good, we receive a lot of approval. Especially praised is the fact that new knowledge can be aquired quickly without great effort for training. But one thing is clear: A one and a half hour webinar cannot replace multi-day training.
How does a typical webinar go?
A link enables participants to go directly into the "webinar room," where they first will see the talking points. Everything else is live; the participants see my screen with the TDM-software and hear my explanations with their headsets. Usually, we have about 20 minutes of presentation and five to ten minutes of questions and answers per topic. If we cannot resolve questions immediately, customers can contact our technical hotline later on with reference to the webinar.
Are the webinars still available later on?
Yes, we record all of the webinars and you can view them later. All participants automatically receive the link.
And where do we go from here?
First off, as in the past, we have webinars about once a month, alternating in German and in English. In May / June, we are discussing the topic TDM Form Generator and in September / October, we will discuss the TDM Ordering Module. In the meantime, other departments use the webinar technology for their own purposes, such as for customer presentations or software demonstrations.