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TDM Cloud Essentials

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Less downtimes for more efficiency

MAB increases efficiency by 10% with the software for machine data analysis TDM appCom

To optimize manufacturing processes, you need to know where the potential for improvement can be found. The TDM appCom software solution helps collect and analyze machine data to reduce downtimes. As the first Central European Lighthouse Factory of the Swedish technology company Sandvik, MAB has introduced the software in its production – the result is already noticeable.

Process optimization through machine monitoring

If you want to optimize your processes effectively, you need a good database. TDM Systems’ machine data solutions are the right tools for collecting, analyzing, and visualizing a wide variety of information from CNC machine tools. Since the beginning of 2022, the German company MAB GmbH has therefore been using TDM appCom. The program can be used to identify downtimes and derive optimization potential in order to better utilize machines and thus increase productivity.

Fast implementation

One of the distinguishing advantages of TDM Systems’ machine connectivity solutions is the fact that they can be implemented quickly, easily and with a low use of resources. This was also MAB's experience. "Setting up the server and implementing the software by TDM Systems happened very quickly. The cooperation was also excellent in other respects and was based on a spirit of partnership," reports Marco Bauer, Managing Director of MAB GmbH. In total, the implementation of TDM appCom took only three weeks. The biggest challenge was the ability to connect the different machines. However, in dialogue with the respective manufacturers, suitable solutions were found in every case. As a multi-technology provider in the field of contract manufacturing and component assembly, MAB GmbH has about 40 modern production machines from various premium manufacturers. Currently, TDM appCom runs on all turning machines with Siemens control as well as on milling machines with Heidenhain control. Thus, only very few machines are not yet integrated into the system, but these are also to follow.

Setting up the server and implementing the software by TDM Systems happened very quickly. The cooperation was also excellent in other respects and was based on a spirit of partnership.

Marco Bauer
Managing Director, MAB GmbH

Efficiency increase by 10 %

Previously, runtimes at MAB were recorded through manual data entries by employees - the data was thus prone to errors and its quality was insufficient to perform reliable recalculations and check the profitability of various components. "Our processes are now much more transparent, and we can see exactly where downtimes occur. This allows us to challenge our processes and improve them step by step, for example in setup and programming," explains Bauer. Thanks to TDM appCom, MAB GmbH has already been able to increase its efficiency in production by 10 %.

Involving employees

The collected data is currently being used for analyses by MAB's controlling, work preparation, and department managers in the turning and milling departments. In the future, employees at the machines will also be more involved so that they can provide direct feedback on why downtimes occur in the first place. In addition, the recorded downtimes are to be broken down in detail so that causes can be better eliminated. An interface to the ERP system is also being considered.

"We are very satisfied with the results of the TDM appCom implementation so far. The software effectively helps us to identify and minimize downtimes in order to better utilize machines and sustainably improve runtimes," says Bauer. To further optimize the software in the future, MAB is working closely with TDM Systems.

Everything at a Glance

Machine Connectivity Enables Efficiency and Quality Improvement

Contract Manufacturing with a Digital Mindset
Sister company up2parts offers AI-based
software solutions in manufacturing

Founded in 2011, with production
in Weiden, Upper Palatinate
Multi-technology provider

TDM in Use at MAB
TDM appCom
Machine monitoring for data analysis
Connectivity with Siemens and Heidenhain

Goals for the Implementation of TDM appCom

  • Identify potential for improvement in order to optimize production processes
  • Higher machine utilization for sustainable improvement of runtimes
  • Connecting machines from different manufacturers for better data analysis
  • Reduce downtime


Productivity increase
10% increase in production efficiency

Reduced downtime through transparent processes

Increased quality
Quality enhancement through automated recording of precise data

Sustainable production
through higher machine utilization and longer runtimes

Case Studies

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