Mr. Hausmann, how did you come to TDM Systems?
I studied Business Information Technology at the Reutlingen University of Applied Sciences. I did my first internship semester here in 1995, and so I got to know the company. Later, I was also active at TDM Systems as a working student. I spent my second internship semester in the USA, during which I had contact with TDM as well. From the beginning, I liked the company and their products very much. And since 1999, I have been employed here full-time.
Why did you decide to work for TDM Systems?
TDM Systems was and is a very young, dynamic company; when I began there were only ten employees. What I especially liked from the beginning was the diversity of tasks which I was given. Every employee can make a difference at TDM Systems. For me, already having practical orientation during my studies was very important. And at TDM Systems I specifically found all of that.
What do some of the typical tasks of a developer at TDM Systems look like?
The role and tasks of a developer have drastically changed in recent years. Today, communication is one of our most important tasks. Not only together as a team, but also with other departments and with customers. Another specific important task is to understand requirements and problems, and then to work out an optimal solution as a team. Programming, the actual task which is attributed to a developer, is another important aspect of the work. For me, however, the main thing here is to be able to learn the ropes quickly and efficiently in a wide variety of technologies. As far as IT goes, we live in the midst of enormous technical diversity. It is not only that a person has to apply what they have learned over and over again, but rather that you have to continuously adjust to new tasks.
What do you particularly like about your work at TDM Systems?
Definitely the freedom and possibility to make a difference in things. It is not a given with every company that a person can participate and bring ideas to the table. If a person wants to show dedication, nobody will put up roadblocks to prevent them from doing so here. Of course, what I especially like are my many friendly colleagues. (Laughs) We have many trainees who have began with us and are still here. They make up around half of my department, and we are always on the lookout for more new people. It is really something special that a person can see their software used in practical application. At the end of the process, you can actually see what you have accomplished and the work you have invested in.

Which characteristics should a person bring with them for this job?
For this one, I brought my entire list with me. (Laughs). As I said before, communication is very important. But a person should also be able to concentrate on a task and work on it for long periods of time. What I find important is an openness to change and flexibility, as well as the right degree of independence. Having said that, an interest in software development and everything that relates to it is a requirement. A person should know their strengths and weaknesses. I find that it is always better to put your focus on your strengths and not to try to somehow iron out your weaknesses. I put a lot of value on honesty.
Any final thoughts?
Well, because I am an enthusiastic wearer of nerdy T-shirts, it wouldn't be so bad if we had our own T-shirt designer at TDM. (Laughs).