Mr. Kübel, how did you come to be at TDM Systems?
Having worked for almost 30 years in mechanical engineering – the cutting industry to be precise – I have managed to gain a great deal of experience. I spent the first 15 years at Walter AG, where I undertook many different roles, learned a lot and was entrusted with strategic marketing duties in the USA for three years. During this time, it became increasingly clear that the machines are tremendously important, but also that the software solutions and everything associated with them are proving ever more significant. In my four years in the European headquarters of an American machine tool manufacturer, it became clear that the trend towards the digital sector was becoming stronger and stronger. I found this trend really exciting. So, in 2010, I came to TDM Systems and, since then, I have been able to apply and broaden my knowledge and skills, continue to be strongly involved on the international scene and, most recently, even drive forward indirect sales with partners around the world.
Why did you decide to work for TDM Systems?
Through my time at Walter AG, I already knew TDM Systems of course. An important point in the decision was the broad range of tasks and the opportunity to implement your own ideas. This really excited me. Also, the lines of coordination are short, which leads to agile working, and considered decisions are put swiftly into practice. The friendly environment and very good working atmosphere were additional plus points, too.
What are the typical tasks of a Director Global Partner Sales at TDM Systems?
The range of tasks is very broad. The role model function for my team is of tremendous importance for me, as well as the good, open working relationship. As a team, we are keen to implement highly ambitious long-term objectives and continuously – and even more intensively – provide our global sales partners with exactly the information they need to be successful where they are. This means that we will be gradually expanding the team, which naturally also entails taking responsibility in leadership.
Another fundamental task, when we are talking about potential, market and customer analyses, is setting of priorities. It's how we can use targeted action plans to establish new sales partners. An example: Attention is turning more and more towards the Asia Pacific region with its core markets such as China, India, Japan and South Korea. There's a lot of potential for new partners here. How do we realize it? By putting together professional business partner packages that support all the needs of our partners. That includes questions about how product know how can be transferred, making use of all the tools at our disposal and supporting our partners during on-site visits to their customers. And that's all on an equal footing. It is also my goal to organize an International Sales Partner Meeting twice a year, one in Tübingen and the other virtually as a webinar.

What do you particularly like about your work at TDM Systems?
I like the very open and fair interaction among colleagues. In my position, I am in touch with all areas of the company – a mediator role, you could say. I know all colleagues personally, which results in a very close working relationship. I can always approach the right specialist, no matter which department they are in. There is also a great deal of trust. You have a great amount of freedom and individual responsibility in the actual way you do your work and the lines of coordination are short. I put my heart and soul into my role as service provider for our sales partners and I enjoy the full backing of my colleagues.
Why did you decide to work in the Sales & Partners division?
I see myself as an international person. I studied International Marketing, I also speak fluent Spanish in addition to German and English and know some French. Foreign cultures are my major interest. I've lived for four years in the USA and one year in Spain. I'm driven by human interaction. I'm very communicative and can empathize well with others. I can quickly tell what makes other people tick. In the Sales & Partners division, I'm able to combine all these qualities well. And it just so happens that I like exotic cuisine and don't mind traveling.
Any final thoughts?
TDM Systems has very big plans for growth. Together with my team, I would like to show in the years to come that international growth is important and possible. I will support this change process with all the energy I have. And I also extend my thanks to all colleagues who have been involved already in paving the way for future growth.